Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Have you ever noticed how life maybe seems unfair, that certain people get all the breaks and we seem to get the shaft, now I'm talking about anything from the last job promotion within your company, even down to the worst parking spot out there that makes you have to walk forever through the slush and ruin your brand new shoes. I think most everyone has experienced this at some point. But I challenge you this, imagine if you could actually control these circumstances. Yes, that's right! Imagine controlling all that happens to yourself throughout the day. I'm sure by know everyone has heard of the law of attraction...what ever you think will come to you or into your life, you know, you become what you think about. Well, I don't think it is just as simple as thinking, if you became what you think about I'd have turned into a woman a long time ago... No but really...you do have a choice...you do have of your life. To think otherwise is ridiculous, if you're not in control of what becomes of you...then who is?

Think about it. If you're not in control then who's fault is it? Oh I get it, the blame game starts...well if only someone else did their job right over in that other department then things would have been better, or maybe if I grew up with both parents at home, or if my Dad only loved me more, if I grew up with more money or in a better part of town. But there comes a time in every man and woman's life that they have to put their foot down and realize that "if it is to be it's up to me".

When it comes down to it we have to figure out what determines these actions of ours...from the good ones to the bad ones....the ones that we are proud of and ones we wish never happened. How we act or react to thing will directly determines what happens to us each and every day. OK then what controls my actions you may be asking and my answer to that is your feelings. Its how you feel about something is going to determine your action toward it. You will enjoy doing something you feel positive about versus some you you don't.

OK then, if my actions are controlled by my feelings what controls my feelings then? Well your attitude of course. What, my attitude controls my feelings? Yep that right. It's basic but think about it...your attitude, how you perceive something, is going to determine how you feel about doing it. If you have a negative thought about something beforehand it will determine the outcome. Imagine a snowy wintry day, seeing or hearing the weather all day at work. Cold,snow, white-out conditions--they go on and on about all the congestion and the accidents on the road. It's now ten to five and you're about to make you trek home....how do you feel about your commute home now? Not liking it huh? It may still have been bad if you didn't listen t the news, but your feelings about the situation are worse because of your attitude.

Wow this is a lot....lets see if we have it strait so far...Actions are controlled by your feeling toward it. Your feelings are controlled by your attitude, so what determines your attitude then? Your beliefs. This can be from a sum of everything you've experienced in life. The bad thing about beliefs is that we believe them to be true, even though in some cases that might be the total opposite. Everyone in this world has limiting beliefs about themselves, from the amount of money they should make, how far they can make it up the corporate ladder, that they'll only be a grunt or construction worker. It usually comes from those trying to protect them from hurt in this world so they wont be disappointed. That's all wrong, you can still become whatever you want to become no matter where you are in life.(We'll talk more about this some other time).

You're probably wondering well where do beliefs come from then? Simple....your thoughts. Your thoughts about something determine your beliefs about it....your beliefs will control your attitude...and your attitude determines your feelings....and of course....your feeling will determine your action in the real world.

So I put this to you...by controlling your thoughts you can control your actions...and your life is determined by the sum of your actions...this is deep I know but how else can you figure out where you are in life. We'll talk about controlling thoughts by the questions you ask yourself later.

This was mindblowing to me when I first heard it, what do you think?

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